What to read

Looking for some good critical tech books? You’ve come to the right place!

One of the perks of hosting a podcast and writing this newsletter is that I get to read a lot of books about technology and the tech industry. Over on Bookshop, I put together recommendations in a wide range of categories, including everything from workers and transportation to history and classics of tech criticism.

I chose to use Bookshop because they make it easy and, well… it’s not Amazon! You’re under no obligation to buy there, but feel free to browse and hopefully something will catch your eye.

Browse the Bookshop list

That list is designed to give you an overview if there’s a particular topic you’d like to know more about but haven’t previously explored. However, for paid subscribers, I also put together several lists a year to keep you informed on forthcoming books you might want to preorder.

These lists are much more current than the general lists I curate on Bookshop. You can find them here: