Such a disturbing piece. Disturbing for that fact that it needed to be written instead of us having governments that actually make sense. But unfortunately, the liars here in the US are in charge now and think they can do whatever they want, wherever they want.

Things like "the Trump administration would create laws that 'will keep Big Tech, Little Tech, and all other developers on an even playing field,' and that it 'cannot and will not accept' other countries tightening the screws on its tech monopolists" is a perfect example. This administration thinks they can make laws that will govern the whole world instead of just this country. And if you don't like it you are "'chaining your nation to an authoritarian master that seeks to infiltrate, dig in, and seize your information infrastructure' — yet for many around the world, that will sound like exactly what the United States has already done to them". Even more recently, what this administration is doing to its' own citizens through illegal power grabs.

"Europe needs to aggressively strike back" "forcing some of those companies out of its territory", "committing to strictly enforcing regulations against American tech giants and putting significant resources into developing alternatives", and "take back the power". Maybe start by taking over any offices in the EU of the US tech companies. Or forcing US soldiers out of the EU, while keeping all the equipment to continue to defend the continent. If I could be so bold, have conferences with Vance, Musk, and Trump over there and place them under arrest with no hope of escape. As president, we know that Trump has WMD, no need to go looking for them. And with all the power he has given to Muck lately, he probably has them too.

But maybe this is all just my “ideological bias” coming out. Something I'm proud to have. And unlike the bias Vance claims his version of AI wouldn't have, mine actually "benefits workers", instead of his rich, capitalist, fascist, racist, friends.

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Yes: I agree with commenter ic. It's good to hear the European perspective, as well. We Americans need all the support we can get.

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From an American in Berlin - thank you! It's incredibly important to be making these arguments from within the US. The EU has a strong digital sovereignty movement, but unfortunately it's counterbalanced by an angsty discourse of "apparently Americans think Big Tech is cool, so we'd better jump on the bandwagon! Otherwise we'll be left behind!" (Not to mention Big Tech lobbying...) So it really helps for Europeans to hear from Americans that it's much better for everyone if the EU invests in a better path. There are interesting new initiatives emerging in the EU now, for instance Save Social ("Saving social media as a democratic force", https://savesocial.eu/en/) with prominent supporters, well-thought-out demands, and a petition with over 220,000 signatures. https://weact.campact.de/petitions/save-social-soziale-netzwerke-als-demokratische-kraft-retten The petition is only in German, but it would be terrific if people in the US could sign and share it as well.

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Give us a translation of that petition.

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Hi, I just saw that there's an English translation of the petition/manifesto on Save Social's website:


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The link to see all signatures and sign, is not working, on my end.

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The English version of the petition is on the initiative's homepage, not on the petition site where it can be signed. It can be signed here: https://weact.campact.de/petitions/save-social-soziale-netzwerke-als-demokratische-kraft-retten

It would be better if they had the English version right on the petition site, of course.

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